- 1. The charity ‘Adam Stansfield Foundation’ will be referred to as ‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘Foundation’ from here on in.
- 2. The beneficiary / beneficiaries must be under the age of 18 at 31st August in the year of application.
- 3. The applicant or individual beneficiary must reside/operate in the County of Devon, Somerset or Herefordshire.
- 4. Grants are only available to provide access to football related activities or equipment.
- 5. All applications will be considered on their merit.
- 6. The Foundation welcome applications for the benefit of young people under the age of 18 and of all abilities.
- 7. Individual applicants may be asked for proof of state benefit entitlement to confirm financial hardship.
- 8. The Foundation aims to respond to each application within 60 days of receipt, but this may be extended during busy periods or where further information is required.
- 9. If the applicant does not respond to a request for information within 28 days of sending the request, the application will deemed to have lapsed and a new application will need to be submitted.
- 10. Where applications do not meet the criteria required by the Foundation, the applicant will be contacted to state that their request has not been successful.
- 11. Grants will not normally be paid directly to the applicant/beneficiary.
- 12. Where the grant is for equipment, this will be supplied by us; we will seek to meet the requirements of the applicant but cannot guarantee an exact match.
- 13. Grants are awarded on an individual application basis and therefore repeat funding should not be expected or planned for.
- 14. A Foundation representative may attend a venue to officially present the equipment, or invite you to a meeting to do so, with media coverage where possible.
- 15. Your grant can only be used for the purpose(s) for which it is given and should not be used for any other purpose without our approval in writing.
- 16. Grants awarded must not be given or transferred to any third party but must be used solely by the organisation or individual it was awarded to. If the grant is used for a purpose not outlined in the application, we reserve the right to ask for any money paid to be returned.
- 17. You will take reasonable care to ensure that the project is conducted in a proper manner and in accordance with applicable laws and relevant guidance. By providing a grant the Foundation is not accepting any responsibility for the project.
- 18. Our support should be mentioned in appropriate terms in publications, websites, events and other publicity relating to your project – copies of which should be supplied on request. In order to best achieve publicity for both our organisations, we request that you create a press release celebrating your project and the contribution that the Foundation grant will make. Please contact the Foundation office first if you would like to use our logo.
- 19. We reserve the right to ask for the whole of a grant or any unspent balance to be returned if it is found out that you or your organisation has provided false information or has not adhered to the terms and conditions of acceptance.
- 20. We will not guarantee goods donated that fall outside of the manufacturers/suppliers guarantee period. Any damage is the responsibility of the recipient or organisation, appropriate insurance cover should be in place.
- 21. Any goods supplied by the Foundation must be used only for the purpose(s) intended. If any planning permission is required this should be sorted by the applicant prior to the Foundation sourcing the equipment.